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Author Topic:  Need advice for selling a Fender String Master 4 neck
Julie Huckman


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 1:01 pm    
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Hi, I'm new to the Forum and have inherited a Fender Stringmaster 4 neck steel guitar from my grandfather. Originally I was going to keep it, but realistically I'm not going to learn how to play it and I just want it to go to a good home. I would like fair value for it also. This is what I know. I'm not sure of the year model, but it was completely reconditioned in 1991. I've seen price ranges from $2000 to $15000 (on Pawn Stars for an original Bogg's). Can anyone enlighten me? And I do not have a case.

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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 1:22 pm    
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Hi Julie. That is a nice, big ol’ guitar your grandfather played. Can you tell us more about him?

As far as value, because it was reconditioned so drastically, it’s going to be on the lower end of the price spectrum. It’s difficult to put a value on it, but if a clean quad Stringmaster was going for $4k, for instance, this one might only fetch $2-2.5k, since it is missing is original paint, fretboards and case. This is just an educated guess, but ultimately it’s worth only what someone is willing to pay for it. Collectors are the ones who usually shell out the bucks for the stock, untouched guitars—this is a player.

Good luck!
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Bill McCloskey


Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 1:48 pm    
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there is one currently on for sale section. the listing is from 2016, they were asking $3,400 and it doesn't look like it sold. Original condition.

I agree with Mike, the current condition, even though it looks cool and probably plays great would probably go for $1,500. Hard to say though.
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 1:51 pm    
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Just FYI, this guitar ought to date to around 1955.

Unfortunately, as Mike says, the non-original condition will impact market value. A lot of the price of these things involves the age and 'timepiece essence' of these old, beautiful instruments. Stripped it of that antique-ness, the actual instrument will have a different $$ value.
You could possibly find 4 repro fretboards and make this look more like an original Stringmaster, just to make it look more 'right' (not to fool anyone) ..... that could help people get over the first reaction that 'that don't look right'.

Best of luck!
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Jeff Mead

London, England
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 4:18 pm    
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I agree that a set of repro fretboards would make this a much more desirable instrument and on a par with the other refinished ones out there. If you do decide to get some, you need to measure from the nut to the bridge (or from the nut to the 12th fret and multiply by 2) and make sure you get the correct boards - they will be either 22.5" or 24.5"

The only other thing that doesn't look right from the picture is the legs. They look like they go straight down and with a Stringmaster of that age they should splay out at an angle.

Of course, the $15000 price tag on the "Boggs" quad would have been because it was owned and played by Noel Boggs.
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Julie Huckman


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2018 4:25 pm    
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Thanks everyone. That gives me a good idea of what to sell it for. The legs actually do angle out also. I will post it in the "For Sale" section.
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Andy DePaule

Saigon, Viet Nam & Springfield, Oregon
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2018 8:16 am     The exact value is.....
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No truer words could have been said that what Mike said here;
"But ultimately it’s worth only what someone is willing to pay for it. "
Good luck with the sale.
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1956 Dewey Kendrick D-8 4&3, Restoration Project.
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