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Todd Blair


Richmond Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2018 4:02 pm    
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Anybody know what these circled bell cranks do?

From what I can tell, the green circle shows two bell cranks, one on the 7th (F#) string, the other on the 10th (B) string. The 10th (B) string is connected to the A pedal by a bell crank in a normal position.
The yellow circle shows two bell cranks; one on the 1st (F#) string, and one on the 6th (G#) string. Again, the 1st string has a bell crank associated with the LKL, in its usual place.
I see that there are no bell cranks on the C6 neck associated with the cross shafts, so I assume it serves SOME purpose, I just can’t figure it out.
Also, there appears to be shorter pull rods, which connect the out of place bell cranks for the F# and B strings to the bell cranks for the LKL and A pedal.
I’ve been searching Google and forums trying to figure this out, but am lost. The best I can figure is that the out of place bell cranks swivel the cross bar and affect the other bell crank’s raise/ lower, when the LKL or A pedal are activated.
For reference, it’s a 70s MSA D-10. I don’t have access to it to figure it out!
Ham-fisted steel pedal player in my mother’s favorite band: www.nationalpublicrodeo.com
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Georg Sørtun

Mandal, Agder, Norway
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2018 8:22 pm    
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Freewheeling gears, maybe? If so one or both of those intermediate (yellow-circled) bellcranks are not tightened onto the shaft.

The green circle seems to contain a compensator.
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Bobby D. Jones


West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2018 9:50 pm     Bell Cranks and pull rods
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It looks from the picture that someone has set up the LKR and LKL to pull the rods to make some special tuning.
With that era of MSA check the pull rods careful. Rods for the same string are routed through the slot in the Bell Cranks, Only the rod that has the brass insert through the bell crank and the set screw locked on the rod will affect the pull by that cross rod. Cannot see the exact hook up with the knee levers folded down covering part of the linkage.

A good point, You have the rods, bell cranks and hardware to change the 2 knee levers to what set up you want to change it to, Without extra cost.
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Henry Matthews

Texarkana, Ark USA
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2018 2:45 pm    
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Agree with you George. Looks like guides for the long rods so they won't hand down.
Henry Matthews

D-10 Magnum, 8 &5, dark rose color
D-10 1974 Emmons cut tail, fat back,rosewood, 8&5
Nashville 112 amp, Fishman Loudbox Performer amp, Hilton pedal, Goodrich pedal,BJS bar, Kyser picks, Live steel Strings. No effects, doodads or stomp boxes.
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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2018 4:49 pm     May be...
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Tuning compensators. Green pulls 7 slightly sharp when "A" pedal pressed. Yellow pulls 1 slightly sharp when "B" pedal is pressed. Interesting to note that they used two rods connected at the bell crank for both of those changes. Hook up allows micro adjust of compensators at the nylon tuners. Or maybe not...
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Bobby D. Jones


West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 5 Feb 2018 10:06 pm     Bell Cranks and Pull rods
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As I stated before MSA of that era had split bell cranks and all the rods that run to the string run through the slot and the only rod the bell crank actually moves is the one connected to the bell crank with the brass connector and set screw set on the rod. Here is a picture of my MSA S10. On this guitar it is set up Day system with LKL D lever Lowering 4&8, LKR F Knee lever Raising 4&8
Here is a picture to compare. From the picture it looks like your guitar is set up with the D&F knee levers on the Right knee. The Right Side knee lever cross rods are hooked to strings 4&8.

Hope this helps
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2018 12:05 am     Re: May be...
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Dick Sexton wrote:
Tuning compensators. Green pulls 7 slightly sharp when "A" pedal pressed. Yellow pulls 1 slightly sharp when "B" pedal is pressed. Interesting to note that they used two rods connected at the bell crank for both of those changes. Hook up allows micro adjust of compensators at the nylon tuners. Or maybe not...

I think you are correct. The crossrods aren't connected to any pedals or knee levers. The bell cranks on the 10th and 6th strings each have a short rod linking them to the A and B pedals. The pulls on the F# strings are microtuned compensators.

I've never seen it done this way before, but it makes sense.
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Todd Blair


Richmond Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 6 Feb 2018 12:25 am    
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I haven’t seen it done before either. And I can’t find other examples of this arrangement.
Ham-fisted steel pedal player in my mother’s favorite band: www.nationalpublicrodeo.com
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