I pulled a couple of rods to do a little experiment and I didn't watch where they came from. My 5th string B to C# raise is in the top hole as I didn't mess with that one but the 9th (10th) string raise I have in the middle hole and it comes back sharp when I depress the pedal. If I put my toe under the pedal and push it up it'll come back to pitch or if I slip my toe off the pedal and let it spring back up it'll return that way too. The BooWah pedal also pulls that string to C and it's in the 2nd hole from the top when the guitar's set up. My guitar has 5 holes on the endplate, the top three are raises and the bottom two are lowers...JH in Va.
It's all on 12, who needs 20!
[This message was edited by Jerry Hayes on 04 August 2005 at 06:54 AM.]