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Author Topic:  Session 400 limited problem

Grayson, Ga.
Post  Posted 12 Dec 2017 6:06 am    
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I bought this amp and was trying it out, and it sounded loud and clear.
I tried to plug in the second (from left) input jack and the plug would not go in.
The rest of the story:
Like an idiot I brute forced the plug in. At this point there was a loud hum emitted from the amp.
This continued until eventually the internal fuse blew.
I believe that I shorted the plug.

Can anyone offer any advice please?
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 12 Dec 2017 8:46 am    
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1) pull the chassis
2) try to resolve the short circuit you created.
3) replace the fuse.
4) grumble, curse, mail it to Mike Brown.
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Grayson, Ga.
Post  Posted 13 Dec 2017 9:15 am    
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I may just send it to Peavey and get the power transistors and any components that normally wear out replaced. I did not pay a lot for the amp, but the tolex is pretty torn up. The bottom has the cloth ripped off, etc. I may re-tolex it cream or something. It was a good sounding amp while it worked. another project.
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Bill L. Wilson

Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 15 Dec 2017 10:59 pm     The Old Session 400 Limited.
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I bought my old Peavey amp used too. The input jack had a short in it. I unsoldered it from the circuit board, swapped it with one jack from the back of the amp. I’ve had several different cords that wouldn’t fit in those Peavey jacks, even though they’re just a few thousands of an inch difference in size. The George L’s and Switchcraft plugs are not a problem, but some of the Japanese plugs are a different size, and will not fit the Peavey jacks. I’ve never had any trouble with Switchcraft jacks in Fender amps with any brand of cheap cords, they all work. You probably did short out the input jack by forcing the plug into it.
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