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Author Topic:  Blocking Technique
David Neslony


Arlington, TX USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2017 7:07 pm    
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Hi Buck.

Right hand blocking technique is a matter of first, teaching your brain and then allowing your brain to teach your hand.
You have to break down the task into digestibly sized bites that the brain will accept easily.

First, lay your right hand palm against the strings. Shape your picks so that you can pick the strings while your palm is laying across them. While keeping the strings muted with your palm, pluck the strings in different combinations (grips) across the muted strings. The strings should make nothing but a "thud" sound. When you are comfortable performing this exercise, proceed to the next exercise.

With your right hand palm resting on the strings, lift your palm just enough to allow the strings to ring as you pick the strings. Do this with different string grips and single notes. Now make the actions of plucking the strings and lifting the palm one single movement.
Limit the amount of movement as much as you possibly can. From a slight distance, it should look like your hand is not moving at all. It may help to play in front of a mirror. The mirror is a good motivator as you see yourself as another steel player.

For left hand technique, practice moving the bar from one fret marker to the next, as fast as you can across the strings, (while keeping the right hand muted). Don't try to make the strings sound. All you want to hear is the "thud" of your picks against the palm. I suggest you do this exercise sitting at your steel, with no amplification, watching and listening to the TV. It doesn't matter what you are watching. This is a way to get a ton of practice while your brain effortlessly drinks it all in. Just think of what a night of TV watching can do for your playing.

*** I have since learned that pedal steel player Travis Toy recommends doing the same thing!
David Neslony

Last edited by David Neslony on 17 Aug 2020 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Buck Rodgers


Virginia (Yorktown)
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2017 5:27 pm    
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THanx , David. I'll give that a try.
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