Brian Davis
From: San Francisco, USA
Posted 2 May 2005 9:23 am
Hey all,
I've been wrestling with this S-10 3+4 Black Rock p/p on and off for a few months now trying to get it setup so it's more comfortable for me to play. I've got the pedals down pretty good now, but that LKL 4th string raise has me vexed. The lever keeps getting pushed around by the C pedal and the LKR. I've tried adjusting the springs on either side of the bellcrank so that its just right and the lever hangs in the right place, etc. but I am also having problems with the set screw for the bellcrank slipping on the crossbar. Can anyone reccomend a step by step procedure to get the LKL to sit right on a p/p? I think I am adjusting all the right things, but maybe not in the right order.
BD |
Rainer Hackstaette
From: Bohmte, Germany
Posted 2 May 2005 10:27 pm
Brian, before b0b closes this one, let me get a word in.
If you are not familiar with the following literature, you should get it:
"The Wilderness Guide", a website by John Lacy,
"Methodology of the Pedal Steel Guitar", a small booklet that has the last dozen or so pages of it describing the setup of a PP from scratch, starting with putting the rods in. It is illustrated. Try Bobbe Seymour, he might have it in stock.
You say that when you push RKL it moves LKL E-F raise. I guess you have the E lowers on RKL. The F-raise lever is supposed to move slightly, when the E's are lowered - it shortens the throw of the F lever.
Balancing the LKL is a little tricky and involves quite a bit of trial and error - but that's the underlying theme of the push-pull.
Remington D-10 8+7, Sierra Crown D-10 gearless 8+8, Sierra Session S-14 gearless 8+5, '77 Emmons D-10 8+4, '70 Emmons D-10 8+4, '69 Emmons S-10 6+5, Fender Artist D-10 8+4, '73 Sho~Bud LDG 3+4, Peavey Session 400 LTD, Peavey Vegas 400, Line 6 Variax 700