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Author Topic:  PSG and Dobro......encouraging and frustrating!
Jim Fogarty

Phila, Pa, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2017 10:25 am    
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So....I haven't played my resonator in months and months. Like, I'm embarrassed how long it had been. In fact, when I took it from the case to shed for an upcoming Iain Matthews tour, it had self-destructed. (cheap Gretsch tailpiece had blown up, which damaged the cone, etc).

Well yesterday I fixed it up (got lucky and someone sent me the parts...thank you!), sat down to play it, and lo and behold......

I play it better now than before I put it away. Like, MUCH better. Both physically and mentally, it all kind of made sense and was coming together nicely. That's encouraging.

What's frustrating is.......I've been putting hours and hours into the damned pedal steel.......yet, I'm STILL better on the dobro (that I haven't even been playing!) than I am on the infernal pedal-driven, Rube Goldberg contraption.

I know it's all interconnected, and practicing one only helps the other, but still.......it hardly seems fair!!
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 2 Jul 2017 11:39 pm    
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This not a comment on you actual topic Jim. I don't play the Dobro.
It's a question: Do you bring along your PSG to the gig, also? I remember Matthews Souther Comfort. Although "Woodstock" doesn't seem to be to easy to play, you could do your best. Anyway good luck with the gig/s!
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Jim Fogarty

Phila, Pa, USA
Post  Posted 3 Jul 2017 12:52 pm    
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Joachim Kettner wrote:
Do you bring along your PSG to the gig, also? I remember Matthews Souther Comfort. Although "Woodstock" doesn't seem to be to easy to play, you could do your best. Anyway good luck with the gig/s!


Unfortunately, Iain isn't a big fan of the PSG anymore. He's a dear friend, and I love working with him......but he has a tendency to be a stubborn cuss about doing things that people might expect or even enjoy. It's a shame, because I know audiences would enjoy some flavor of his country/rock roots.

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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 3 Jul 2017 11:54 pm    
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I'm one of his Country Rock phase fans, Jim Sad
I've seen him very early singing with Fairport in '68. They had that Westcoast Sound and he fit in perfectly with Sandy Denny, and on their first record, with Judy Dyble. Maybe he don't want to know about the old days too much.
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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