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Author Topic:  Where do Cowboy Boots come from?
Steven Finley

California, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 1:25 pm    
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Cowboy boots: generally made of fine leather from cowhide, sometimes from an ostrich or alligator.

Yesterday, I played Tom Bovine's annual 4th of July Steak and BBQ. When I reached the front gate, I was confronted by approximately
30 people claiming to be vegans protesting the slaughter and serving of meat at Tom's ranch. They carried signs and indulged in name calling
as I attempted to enter the gate; this was a first for me, after all, I wasn't there for an abortion.
Tom arrived, and after getting me past the gate, turned and dumped a large pail of barbecue sauce over the heads of three protesters
who had squeezed their way past the gate. Oh dear, the sauce got all over their leather cowboy boots!

Now I don't have any issue with folks who only like to eat carrots, but perhaps I am missing something in their message; like,
where do they think cowboy boots come from? Does the leather just jump off the cow and beg to be made into boots and purses?
If that is true, then I guess Tom was just using up what was left after the hide was acquisitioned for boots--waste not, want not.

And yes, I ate several plates of steak and pork barbecue; and for some reason, it seemed to taste better than it did last year.
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Mike Archer

church hill tn
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 2:40 pm     boots
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that's funny and true

what a hoot

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Bill L. Wilson

Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 2:45 pm     Man O Man, Only in California.
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Steven, I've never seen a protest like that in Oklahoma, but if one did transpire, especially at a B-B-Q, some folks would have a Rear End full of Buckshot. Okies and Texans don't take to kindly to people who would even consider protesting at a B-B-Q.
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Jeff Garden

Center Sandwich, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 3:14 pm    
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And then they climb back into Daddy's BMW with the leather seats and head back to their safe spaces at the university...
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 7:13 pm    
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There was some lady named Oprah who leapt into the grinder by calling hamburgers "murder." Thereby sharing the podium for the most UN-clever clever phrase ever, "heart attack on a plate." If you roll the dice in the reincarnation crapshoot, you'll find you died of starvation a whole lot more often than gout, diabetes, "slower-than-the-bear" etc. Like, by a factor of 100 times more often. I say "some lady" because that couldn't possibly be the same zaftig* Oprah who thinks nothing of flouncing aboard her private Gulfstream 5 jet and flying to Africa (camera crew in tow) so she can be FILMED handing out bags of groceries to aborable little bug-eyed waifs.

Scientists do (rightfully) go on and on about walking upright, opposable thumbs, cranium size, language etc, but along with our brother species: cockroaches, rats and bacteria; one HUGE reason we're still kickin' is because we'll eat just about ANY damn thing - incl. rats, roaches and each other.

*(Yiddish: FAT)

"Yo Bug-Eyes! Better start running and run like hell, because Oprah ain't a-gonna be here when the sun goes down(!)..."
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Ford Cole


Post  Posted 5 Jul 2017 7:24 pm    
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When you're in Santa Fe, NM, check out the Lucchese boot store downtown. They seem to have a nice selection and a line of Lyle Lovett shirts, too.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2017 4:18 am    
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Stephen, I'll bet you murdered that plate of steak and barbeque. I would have been sitting there with sauce all over my face
grinning and saying "This stuff is murder!"

First I've heard a of protein-starved flash mob crashing a private party.
What did the protesters expect at Tom Bovine's? Maybe they wanted to get sauced.
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Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2017 5:01 am     Re: Where do Cowboy Boots come from?
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(...dumped a large pail of barbecue sauce over the heads of three protesters...)

What a waste of good barbeque sauce!
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2017 6:37 am    
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David Mason wrote:
There was some lady named Oprah who leapt into the grinder by calling hamburgers "murder." Thereby sharing the podium for the most UN-clever clever phrase ever, "heart attack on a plate." If you roll the dice in the reincarnation crapshoot, you'll find you died of starvation a whole lot more often than gout, diabetes, "slower-than-the-bear" etc. Like, by a factor of 100 times more often. I say "some lady" because that couldn't possibly be the same zaftig* Oprah who thinks nothing of flouncing aboard her private Gulfstream 5 jet and flying to Africa (camera crew in tow) so she can be FILMED handing out bags of groceries to aborable little bug-eyed waifs.

Scientists do (rightfully) go on and on about walking upright, opposable thumbs, cranium size, language etc, but along with our brother species: cockroaches, rats and bacteria; one HUGE reason we're still kickin' is because we'll eat just about ANY damn thing - incl. rats, roaches and each other.

*(Yiddish: FAT)

"Yo Bug-Eyes! Better start running and run like hell, because Oprah ain't a-gonna be here when the sun goes down(!)..."

"Zaftig" is an adjective that means "juicily plump," like a peach. The word for fat is "schmaltz," which is a noun. But unofficially, you're correct in its colloquial usage.

I'd suggest you thank my grandmother, but she's been dead since 1978. Wink
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Son, we live in a world with walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with steel guitars. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg?

Last edited by Herb Steiner on 6 Jul 2017 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 6 Jul 2017 6:41 am    
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Dress British, think Yiddish. Of course, eat BBQ.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2017 9:43 am    
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