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Author Topic:  Eminence EPS15C 15" Speaker: Closed back or open back cab?
Tony Oresteen

Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2017 1:02 pm    
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From what I've read the Eminence EPS15C 15" speaker is a much lighter replacement for the Peavey 15" Black Widow 1501 speaker. I can't find any info on cabinet design - open or closed back. Here's a 2012 thread that asks the question but doesn't really answer it:


So is there any consensus that the cab design for the Eminence EPS 15C should be open back or closed back?

How about the Black Widow 1501 speaker? Closed or open?

Newnan, GA

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David Nugent


Gum Spring, Va.
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2017 1:26 pm    
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Both the Quilter Steelaire (slightly modified EPS-15C) and the Milkman amps (Telonics, but manufactured by Eminence and fairly close to the EPS) feature open back cabs. If you are considering building a cab or having a unit built, might I suggest installing a removable back panel which will then provide the option for either configuration.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2017 1:38 pm    
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I'm using an open back (partially open) with my EPS-15C. I used the dimensions of a Peavey Nashville 112, except 1" taller that was needed to accommodate the 15" speaker.

The cabinet dimensions are not "scientific", just that I have a Danny Bentley hard cover for a Nashville 112 and I wanted to use it with the new speaker. The hard cover also acts as a speaker stand and I can set the speaker on top of the cover.

The speaker cabinet was a "quick and dirty" build as I was one of the field testers for Eminence and needed a speaker cabinet. But, it works well, for both E9th and C6th.
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