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Author Topic:  -Eb,+Bb,+C#,+F change (C6)
Steven Welborn


Post  Posted 15 Apr 2005 7:18 pm    
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I see this change has been somewhat popular. I seem to be in a mental fog. I could use some help...what is it and hows it used? Which root string? etc. Thanks
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Fred Amendola


Lancaster, Pa.
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2005 7:11 am    
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It works somewhat like the 8th pedal.
It's a change that I used to have. Open, it is an Eb 13 b9 as follows:
9th st Eb-root
8th st Bb-fifth
7th st Db-seventh
6th st F-ninth
5th st G-third
3rd st C-thirteenth
2nd st E-flat 9
Typical voicing would be strings 9-7-5-3-2
You can get most of it with just pedal 8 and playing just 7-5-3-2 and 10 if you like. This is all one fret back from the Maj 7th position off of the 9th string. For example CMaj7 at the 7th fret, followed by the above chord [A13b9] at the 6th fret.

There's another way to get this, and it's more in-position, at the 7th fret instead of 6th fret. Use the 5th pedal, lower the 3rd a half, and the 2nd a half.
Play 10-7-5-3-2. If you don't lower 2, it's just a thirteenth chord.

Hope this helps

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