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Author Topic:  Guitar playing friend in Indiana looking for others to jam
Larry Lenhart

Ponca City, Oklahoma
Post  Posted 23 May 2017 6:30 am    
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I have a friend who is in the Terre Haute, Indiana area who is an outstanding guitar player...he plays a lot of chords, sings well, and is a good lead player as well...he played for a living in California and was on the road for many years. He is spending the summer in that area and doesnt own a computer, and doesnt know anyone in that area other than his lady friend, but if you would contact me, I in turn could contact him. He plays a lot of the older classic country standards, but also does big band, pop standards (Georgia, San Francisco, songs like that) and has a great ear for chord changes. If you have informal jams where he might be able to come and sit in, let me know and I will pass the information on to him. I know he is missing music right now.
Thanks !
Zum Encore, Remington D8 non pedal, Hallmark Mosrite clone, Gretsch 6120 DSW, Gretsch G5210T-P90 Electromatic Jet Two 90,1976 Ibanez L5, Eastman archtop, Taylor Dreadnaught, Telonics pedal, Squire Tele, Squire Strat, Fender Tonemaster, Gold Tone 5 string banjo, Little Wonder tenor banjo, 3 Roland cubes 30s and 80, Carvin combo bass amp
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