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Author Topic:  Tuning for six string lap steel
Kevin Klimek

Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 17 May 2017 3:11 pm    
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I have a cheapie but great sounding short scale guitar that I got in a pawn shop, patterned after a Tele. Unfortunately the truss rod is broke and the neck has a back bow which is not repairable even after a tech tried pressing it. That all said, and with the buzzing strings, I thought this would be a great candidate to convert to a lap steel by raising the action way up etc. I have NEVER played a lap steel. I do play a double 10 GFI Ultra. I have my back neck tuned to B6th coming off of years originally playing a universal 12. So here's the question... what tuning would be ideal for this guitar... a B6th, or an E tuning and depending on the responses I get, what would be the precise 6 string tuning chart in either key?
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Rick Abbott


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 17 May 2017 6:14 pm    
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What set of strings on a Uni do you use the most?

How much music do you make on one neck, or the other, that is most centered on the way you hear steel guitar music? Are you a 6th player or a 9th player?

Do you need chord extensions, with pedal/levers to make melodies, or do you easily move around to find the notes you need?

Just thinking that some of your question is answered by the way you personally think about making music on your other guitars.

I play an 8 sting E13 that has roots in my E9 playing.
D E G+ B C+ E G+ F+
I can fake some E9 stuff, both AB pedals up and down on this. But, it is a totally different thing.

Look at what you need, then settle on a tuning that allows you to have enough of it to get by.

You will be WAY better at your pedal tunings having done this.JMHO
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