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Author Topic:  Matching Speaker Watts to Amp Watts
Bob Jennings


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2017 10:53 am    
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I need some advice on this subject; for example: if I have a 100 Watt Amp or Head, what Watt Speaker or Speakers should I be connecting. Is there any danger if their mismatched--like connecting a 50 Watt Speaker to a 100 Watt Amp or vice versa? I don't have enough knowledge in this area to even be dangerous other than connecting them wrong and finding out I blew something up.

Any advice will be deeply appreciated.

Bob Jennings
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Erv Niehaus

Litchfield, MN, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2017 12:27 pm    
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I think it all depends on how loud you play.
Usually there's not a problem at normal levels.
You run the chance of blowing a speaker if you get too wild and crazy!
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Bob Jennings


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2017 1:14 pm     Matching Speaker Watts to Amp Watts
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Thanks Erv, I'll keep the volume down.

Bob J.
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Los Angeles
Post  Posted 4 May 2017 8:08 pm    
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Bob: No offense meant, but your question is WAY too general for an accurate/safe answer.

If you know what you want to do with what gear specifically, we can give you a more accurate answer.

Also, this would probably get more responses in the Electronics section.
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Bob Jennings


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2017 3:05 am     Matching Speaker Watts to Amp Watts
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If I would take offence to your response or anyone else, I have no business being on this Forum. I only know enough about electricity to probe with only one hand and keep the other hand in a pocket. I once laid a hand on a Transformer while changing a motor in a turntable---this unit had sat idle for about two weeks. After getting a jolt, I thought I had the unit plugged in; but saw that I didn't. Anyhow, I probably wouldn't be telling this had I done it with a Super Reverb!

This is what I have: A Peavey XM 6 Mixer, 150 Watts at 4 Ohms--I want to connect two Gemini GT 1504 Speaker Cabinets with 15 inch speaker in each rated 175 Watts at 8 Ohms each. Is this a good match? It's for a PA System.

Bob Jennings
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Los Angeles
Post  Posted 5 May 2017 7:11 am    
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You should be fine.

Two x 8 ohm cabinets in parallel will give you 4 ohms (which is the minimum load recommended, by the way).
The jacks on the XM6 are in parallel.
That should give you about 75 watts going to each speaker (potentially).

If you haven't looked, the manual is on the Peavey web site for downloading.
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Bob Jennings


Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 5 May 2017 8:18 am     SpeakerWatts to Amp Watts
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Thank you for the response and info. I'll look up the manual for the Peavey.

Bob Jennings
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