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Author Topic:  Diller Steel Guitar??
Ernie Pollock


Mt Savage, Md USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2017 6:59 am    
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Had a friend 'Reg Diller', he made a few pedal steels, does anyone have one of his guitars?? I have a name sticker for a Diller steel. I played it for awhile, he was a machinist at Mac Trucks in Hagerstown Md, I think.
He was also a great guy. One time when I had my store 'Ernies Music' back in the 90's, I had sold every guitar that I had & needed one to teach with, Reg, bless his heart brougt one up for me to use till more GFI's got here. If you have a Diller steel, post a picture, if you can.


Ernie Pollock
301-264-4172 Very Happy
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