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Author Topic:  Adding LKL Knee Lever to a Sierra S-10
Patrick Ickes


Upper Lake, CA USA
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2017 1:13 pm    
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Currently a 4 x 5, I want to add a 2nd LKL to match my ZB and drop the Bs 1/2. I use the LKV for another change I use more often.
Not much room underneath the guitar and the mounting is pretty much one way.
I have seen more than one Vertical in a Sierra, but there's not much room between the LKLs.
Any one out there customizing or offering parts.
I haven't contacted Jim at North County yet, but will be as I need some other stock parts.
I would prefer 2 LKL as that's what I have on the ZB and had on a ZUM.
Thanks in advance.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2017 5:00 pm    
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Doesn't MSA use the same size shaft? For a clustered lever on a Sierra, since you'll need a transverse link, I'd mount one of these for the inside lever
http://www.psgparts.com/Bracket-Free-Stand-Knee-Lever-MSA-200-220-100.htm and attach your lever of choice, making sure it and the existing LKL won't interfere with each other when folded.
Since the deck of the Sierra is aluminum, you can either weld the bracket to the deck (assuming you're not a welder), or have someone with a drill press drill and tap the deck to take some bolts (or do it yourself if you have a drill press).
Just make sure the bracket is where you're going to want it
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Patrick Ickes


Upper Lake, CA USA
Post  Posted 21 Feb 2017 9:28 pm    
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Thanks Lane,
The folding would be an issue as the Sierra levers fold across the pull train. Also, the LKL are a straight pull with no reverse mechanism.
I got a better look at the guitar this morning. I'm sure I can install a stock Sierra knee lever kit and just modify or make an offset lever.
Thanks for the ideas and options.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 22 Feb 2017 4:44 am    
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That's why I said you'd have to make sure they don't interfere; either by making it fold over or under the stock levers.
The bracket I linked is not drilled for a reverser.
By transverse link, I meant that you won't want the knee lever a full 2.5" or more "whatever Sierra used for their spacing, but will want it very nearly directly in front of the existing LKL.
Oops! I think I just remembered that the stock levers ALL have transverse links, including the *KL.
So let me ask: is the shaft slot roughly in front of the existing LKL empty, or in use? If it's empty, I think I'd check whether a stock MSA lever bracket stands proud of the stowed levers.
Again, is the space you want to mount the lever close to where you'll want the lever free? And I mean "quite close", as positioning of the inside lever is crucial to its utility.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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