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Post new topic 90's Pre RP Mullen compare with 90's Emmons,zumsteel,rains*
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Author Topic:  90's Pre RP Mullen compare with 90's Emmons,zumsteel,rains*
Keenan Friday


Magnolia, Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jan 2017 11:59 pm    
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Directing this question to those who have played these guitars extensively (more than a handful of times) to observe their differences.

In regards to..
1.sustain(when not amplified or plugged in)

How does a 1990's Prerp or HWP Mullen compare to similar year model of Emmons,Zumsteel or Rains. Are they very similar? Did you sell one after comparing it to the other?
Keenan Friday
Mullen Pre Royal D-10, Walker Stereo Steel, Hilton pedal, George L cables, Livesteel Strings, (White) Fred Kelly thumbpick, Dunlop .025 fingerpicks
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Rich Upright

Florida, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2017 7:22 pm    
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I own an HWP D-10 & a LeGrande II D-10. Have owned a Zum D-10, but never played a Rains.

The HWP has a brighter, edgier sound than the LeGrande, which is more "throaty". Strings also seem to last longer on the Mullen; I can get 12 gigs vs around 8 on a set of strings. This is prolly because as strings get old, they lose their "edge", but since the Mullen is brighter sounding, you don't notice it as much. The Mullen has better "string separation" & more sustain above the 12th fret. The LeGrande has more output & will cut through the band mix better. Tone is subjective; the Emmons ALWAYS sounds good no matter what room I am playing; the Mullen sounds better in some rooms than others. The Zum was similar to the Mullen; the biggest factor being its brightness.
I use a PV Blues Classic (Classic 50 w/1-15" BW) or a Renown 400 1-15" BW, depending on the room & whether or not I am playing more Tele or steel that night (Solid state sucks for guitar). When the price of gas & hernia trusses comes down, I may try my 70's Twin Reverb w/JBLs. Hope this helps.
A couple D-10s,some vintage guitars & amps, & lotsa junk in the gig bag.
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Keenan Friday


Magnolia, Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2017 10:40 pm    
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Awesome, keep them coming guys..
Keenan Friday
Mullen Pre Royal D-10, Walker Stereo Steel, Hilton pedal, George L cables, Livesteel Strings, (White) Fred Kelly thumbpick, Dunlop .025 fingerpicks
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