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Author Topic:  Twin Reverb RI volume drops off under signal threshold
Matthew Walton

Fort Worth, Texas
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2017 11:56 pm    
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Hi all. The audio in my Twin Reverb RI has started to "drop off" once my input volume seems to go below a certain threshold. I suspect it's a power tube issue since it happens in both vibe and non-vibe channel with different instruments, but I thought I'd try to get some more knowledgeable and experienced thoughts before I spend money on new tubes.

When I first strum, the note/chord volume slowly decays as expected. But at a certain point, the sound just goes to nothing. If you were to graph the output volume, there would just be a cliff at the end, if that makes sense. If I'm picking softly, you'd almost think there's tremolo enabled.

I haven't used that amp in a while, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I've been using nearly daily since Jan 14 (and sporadically throughout January), and unfortunately it seems to be getting worse with time.

Looking forward to diagnoses!
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2017 5:57 am    
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I would first try to replace the inverter tube, 12AT7 in V6 position, just before the power tubes. It amplifies both the normal and vibrato channel on to the power tubes. Swap it with V3 to test. V3 is a 12AT7 and is the reverb drive tube.
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