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Author Topic:  So who's the steeler?
Frank Freniere

The First Coast
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2016 7:09 am    
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Surfing thru the TV, I stumbled on to Garth Brooks at Yankee Stadium and the Jennifer Nettles "Band Against Cancer" concert, and I was struck by the prominence of the steel guitar in both.

Not so much musically, but in the staging. You'd expect Garth to have a huge stage at Yankee Stadium but Bruce Bouton had his own spotlighted space and you couldn't miss him right there on the front line.

With Jennifer, the steel (a woody GFI S-10) was set up right smack in the rear middle of the stage where the drums usually are. So the steeler was in virtually every shot of Jennifer singing and was the visual center of the wide shots - so unlike the Dailey & Vincent show, for example, where they've got Tommy White - TOMMY FREAKIN' WHITE - hidden in the back row behind a bunch of music stands.

So who was the steeler on "Band Against Cancer?"
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