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Author Topic:  Bakersfield tribute show on KFAI radio on Dec. 3
Dennis Atkins

St. Paul, Minnesota
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2016 2:33 pm    
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My friend Ken Hippler has a radio show on KFAI.org on Saturday afternoon in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.

This coming Saturday, Dec. 3, he will be playing a tribute show to the music and artists of the Bakersfield sound. The show is on the internet from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm central time, so if you want to listen, please adjust your time frame so that you can hear this program.

If you miss the broadcast, you can listen to the archive show for up to 2 weeks after the initial broadcast. Go to KFAI.ORG to listen live to this show, and if you like what you hear send an email to Ken at vintagecountry@hotmail.com

Ken will always play the traditional sounds that we all love, and from time to time have new artists who follow the traditional style of country music, and will bring out the artists that many of us have never heard of or have forgotten over the years.

I am sure that you will like the program, so please tune in for this tribute show to the great sounds from Bakersfield.

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Jack Hanson

San Luis Valley, USA
Post  Posted 28 Nov 2016 2:23 pm    
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There should be more stations like KFAI. It hasn't changed much since the days when their signal barely covered Powderhorn Park. Those of us in the SLV are fortunate to have a similar station in KRZA.
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