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Author Topic:  Introducing Buddy South.
Nathan Guilford

Oklahoma City
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2016 8:28 pm    
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Hello all! I'm Nathan and I play steel and co-write songs for a band called Buddy South. We're getting started in Oklahoma City and plan to tour around Texas and Oklahoma soon. These videos are from a gig we played at VZD's in OKC on Friday night. We usually work in 12-15 originals and the rest is semi-obscure covers. Mainly playing music that we like to hear! We'd call our music alternative country or Americana.

This song is called Blood and Dust and leans into Pink Floyd territory!


This one is a little more traditional and is called Stuck Right There.


If we ever have a hit single, this'll be the one. "Hard Time"


Thanks y'all for listening and like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/buddysouthband
'02 Carter S-12 uni
‘76 MSA D-12
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