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Author Topic:  Fretboard Overlay
Ed Baker


Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2016 4:29 am    
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I have a cheopo Starfire lap steel that I've hot-rodded quite a bit with a Gretsch pickup, a better nut, and a few other things.

There's a big problem though. The fret board lines are for a different scale length. For example: the 4th fret should be 5.26" from the nut. It's more like 5.4.

The guitar has a 25.5 inch scale.

Does anyone make an overlay that I could put on top of the existing fret lines?
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Peter Jacobs

Northern Virginia
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2016 5:29 am    
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Check out our own Mr. Boards - George Piburn. He makes fretboard overlays for people building their own lap steels.


Scroll down - he has lexan overlays as well as peel and stick.

(Note: I have no affiliation, just been thinking about building my own steel, and George is a terrific resource here on the Forum)
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Tom Pettingill

California, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2016 6:04 am    
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Peter beat me to it, Georgeboards should be able to fix you up.

Before you order something, I'd first recommend figuring out just what is out of whack currently. Or to say, if the fretboard fret spacing is actually correct, and its the placement of the nut thats off, then a new overlay registered to the nut would make the bridge location off. If it is a properly cut 25.5" scale, then it should be 11.319" from the first fret to the 12th. Stewmac's fret calculator should help figure out what scale your fretboard actually is. http://www.stewmac.com/FretCalculator.html
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Ed Baker


Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2016 9:27 am    
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Perfect. I contacted georgeboards and they said they can make an overlay for any scale length for $25

I checked my scale length a couple of ways.

I measured from the nut to the bridge with a yardstick .

I then used the StewMac Fret Position calculator to get the measurements from the nut to the first 9 frets on a '8 1/2 x 11' sheet of paper. That's all you can fit on that size paper.

I taped it on and tested the 4th, 5th, and 7th fret harmonics to see if they jived with the paper fret locations.

Thanks again for your speedy replies I'm looking forward to applying the new overlay.
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