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Author Topic:  Techniques of the A and B pedal
Stephen Adkins


California, USA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2016 6:21 pm    
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Here's something I haven't been able to figure out from videos, instruction books, and tablature...E9th tuning in this case....
Question 1: When hovering over the A and B pedals does your foot move back and forth over A and then, B...or do you mostly stay in contact with A & B while rocking back and forth...or combination of the two depending?... My ankle might feel uncomfortable, I mean. Of course , if I have to I will stay in contact.
Question 2: Is it good to "rest" my left foot on the floor (to the left of the A pedal) when not toggling A and B pedals?...seems awkward or unnatural to hover or touch the foot over pedals I'm not using at the moment. In my case the A pedal is at the left, then B, then C.
Question 3: When using a vertical knee lever, do I park my left toes on the floor and raise my heel to engage, or can I also engage the vertical KL while also engaging A,B, or C pedal(s)? Thanks...I hope you can understand my questions clearly. I once slightly injured my left ankle on a treadmill...but I refuse to give up my steel playing.
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Jim Fogarty

Phila, Pa, USA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2016 6:51 pm    
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Great questions. I'm fairly new myself, and when I was asking similar questions, Lane Gray was nice enough to make this video for me. Maybe it will help.....

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Stephen Adkins


California, USA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2016 7:32 pm     Technique of the pedals
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Watched it. Just what I needed. Thanks, and thanks to steelguitarLane. I learned a little about those newer mystery pedals, too.
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Richard Alderson

Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2016 7:38 am    
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Dear Stephen - I learned from a comment by Maurice Anderson to always center the body at about the 15th fret, so basic foot position starts with consistent body position. Pick a spot and then always line up the body at the same spot. Then most players with a single neck, at least that I have seen, will center their heel and line up the left foot to mash B-C pedals together straight on, and pivot the foot to the left to reach the A pedal, but without lifting the heel off the floor. In other words anchor the foot to a single and consistent spot from where it can reach all three of the main pedals A-B-C on a single neck. The foot just has to get used to being in the same spot, so it does "hover" above the pedals - pretty much the whole time. But the heel is resting on the floor.
Derby SD-10 5x6; GFI S-10 5x5; GFI S-10 5x5; Zum D-10 8x7; Zum D-10 9x9; Fender 400; Fender Rumble 200; Nashville 400; Telonics TCA-500.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2016 12:10 pm    
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You're welcome, Stephen.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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