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Author Topic:  Question on Jimmy Day's version of "Steelin The Blues"
Markus Mayerhofer

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 26 Sep 2016 1:29 pm    
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I'm not quite shure if that's the right section, but i'm trying to figure out Jimmy Day's version of "Steelin The Blues" on the U-12.

A question emerged concerning this bluesy first phrase of his solo starting at 0:55.
For the sake of simplicity i'd like to transform my question to a C6 with high g-setup and not on my U-12. (hope, i'll get that on right...)

How would you play this funky dominant-7th-triad at around 0:56 containing the root on top and the 5 and b7 squeezed in w/ some pedal?

I found 2 possibilities all around the P6-chord position:

First: 2 frets below P6 chord-position, played on strings 1, 2, 3 w/ P6 holding and P7 squeezed in.

Second: 1 fret above P6 chord-position, played on strings 2, 3, 4, pressing P7 half-way and squeezing it in fully 2 times, and afterwards releasing it again to half-way pressed.
A nice bunch of major and dom7-chords on strings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 occour by pressing P7 halfway so that string 3 is raised 1/2 step and string 4 leaves unaffected...
Coincidence or not, i don't know...
Is this a common practice on a C6 or U-12 to get major and dom7 chords in that position?

Rolling Eyes Whoa! Question Shocked Question
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