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Author Topic:  B Pedal acting up on S10 BMI
Joey Aguilera


Whittier, California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Nov 2004 10:31 pm    
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Hi guys,

I am noticing that my B pedal is acting a bit strange and I wanted to know if this was a normal thing or if I need to make some adjustments.

When I press the B pedal the third string goes up to "A" smoothly and the pedal stops but the sixth string doesn't change pitch until I press a little bit harder on the pedal. I've checked under the guitar while pressing the pedal with my hand and notice that the rod on the third string begins to pull right away but the sixth string rod doesn't pull until I give it that extra push. The other two pedals seem to pull all the strings at the same time.

I am still able to play but it seems that my learning experience may be a bit easier if I didn't have to put so much effort into pushing that B pedal down.

Any thoughts of what could be causing this?


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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 10 Nov 2004 4:14 am    
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Sounds like you just switched from a wound to a plain 6th string, which takes much less travel. If your guitar supports it, move the 6th string pull to the hole closest to the pedal cross shaft. That will give it a longer throw, meaning it will start pulling sooner.
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Joey Aguilera


Whittier, California, USA
Post  Posted 10 Nov 2004 7:35 am    
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Awesome - I moved the rod and now its back to normal. Thanks Jim!

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Jim Smith

Midlothian, TX, USA
Post  Posted 10 Nov 2004 6:42 pm    
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