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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Jul 2016 6:58 pm    
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Just noticed a photo of Joaquin Murphy with his BIGSBY and the top neck has the tuning pegs on the right end rather than the left. A volume/tone knob is in the center of the guitar.

Since this conflicts with earlier photo's I've seen I ask if there's anyone here that can clear up this conflict?
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 3 Jul 2016 7:36 pm    
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What's the conflict?

He had at least 5 Bigsby guitars and one of them was made that way.
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Chris Lucker


Los Angeles, California USA
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2016 5:22 pm    
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Joaquin Murphey had four, but actually only three Bigsbys.

He had his 1946 triple that everyone know about.

He had two double lap steels. one appears on a 1945 Three Stooges video and the second was made in 1948 -- 122048.

In the mid Fifties he sold his triple back to Bigsby and it was refurbished and had pedals added and the acorn knob/pot removed and hole plugged and the brass plaque removed and "Marv Erickson" was inlaid into the front apron. Marc bought the guitar from Bigsby and held onto it for fifty years.

Murphey briefly had a reverse single neck single eight with five pedals, but the files show he never actually paid for it. The single neck was returned to Bigsby, where it leaned against the wall for several years, getting raided for parts and in 1958 it became "Elsie Jaggers," only set up as a conventional looking single 8 non pedal with a bunch of plugged holes. Elsie Jaggers was a Hawaiian style player from Pasadena. Her cousin, or some sort of relative, was Dick Waring, had a Bigsby on order and asked Bigsby if he could put something together for Elsie.

Really beautiful wood on Elsie Jaggers.
Chris Lucker
Red Bellies, Bigsbys and a lot of other guitars.
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Steve Branscom

Pacific NW
Post  Posted 4 Jul 2016 7:16 pm    
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One of the D8 lap steels shows up in an article in the Fretboard Journal, #34 published last year. It's an article on Chas Smith, a metal worker in SoCal. It seems he bought it from Steel Guitar Nashville in the 80's or 90's. There's a picture of Smith holding the D8 in the article.
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