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Author Topic:  Sarno V8 tube question
Tommy Boswell


Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2016 4:57 am    
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Here's a question for Brad and/or owners of the Sarno V8 preamp. As good as it sounds with the tubes that come in a new unit, I'm shopping for extra tubes to have as backup, or to swap just to see how they sound. Which brings up two questions:

1. Is it OK to mix tubes (old and new), or do they need to be a matched pair?

2. If I were to get my hands on just one "holy grail" vintage tube, which slot should it go in?

Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly satisfied with the way the V8 sounds now, which is fantastic! I just like to tinker.
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2016 3:18 pm    
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You just can't go wrong with a vintage RCA, GE, Tung-Sol, Sylvania, etc. Just make sure the seller can test for LOW MICROPHONICS. Those old octals are notoriously microphonic. Personally, I have a strong affection for vintage RCA tubes, especially for use with pedal steel guitar.

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