My old ShoBud had a double raise, single lower changer. After a time I went to the Universal tuning and needed a double lower on the 2nd string and the 8th string. I tried the tuning collar thing but it didn't seem to work right for me. A friend of mine who was a machinist (Ross Coan) turned me on to another way of doing it. I wish I could draw a picture but I hope your imagination is good. Here's how you do it.
First of all, look at the end plate. Which ever string you need an additional lower on you jut drill or cut out the metal directly below and in line with the other lower from the end plate. This will reveal a hidden flat part of the changer. You can use another pedal hooked to that string and you'll notice that that little plate will move also. You just drill a hole big enough for a rod to go through the flat plate and put it through the thing, hook it up and tune it up and it works just like it was factory installed. The first time I did this it worked excellent. Have a good 'un............JH
Livin' in the Past and the Future with a 12 string Mooney Universal tuning.
[This message was edited by Jerry Hayes on 30 June 2004 at 06:30 AM.]