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Author Topic:  On-line recording/jamming software course
Kyd Brenner


Washington, DC/Harman WV
Post  Posted 2 Feb 2016 7:07 pm    
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I've just finished up a 6 week online course learning a bit of software called JackTrip that lets 2 or more people jam/record online. The software is designed to lower internet latency to tolerable (>30ms) delays that let people play together without a major sense of being out of time with each other.

The course is basically over, but until late february I think people can still enroll for free and look at the lectures at:


Look for the course called "on-line jamming". The lectures are really horrible, but people who have an understanding of operating system and command line controls may be able to figure it out - I needed a lot of help from a neighbor who has these skills. This seems to be the "under the hood" software than runs the $200 Jamlink box which is currently not available. I have it running on Macbook, there is also a Windows version I have not tried to install.

If anyone tries this out and wants a partner to work with on getting it set up send me a PM or e-mail.
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Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 2 Feb 2016 11:36 pm    
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