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Author Topic:  International Airplay for your Steel Guitar Recordings
Mike Headrick

South Pittsburg, TN, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jan 2016 8:23 am    
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I've been doing overseas promotion for 20 years and have a well respected promotional compilation. These International DJs love steel guitar music. I've been thinking lately that I would distribute an "All Steel Guitar" compilation if I could get about 10 players to participate. The cost would be 100.00 per song, and the compilation would be digitally sent to right at a thousand DJs. My experience is that if it's decent quality they will play it. A lot of these guys like to open and close their shows with an instrumental as well as sprinkle some into their playlists. Understand that it would be primarily for fun, as the royalties from this type of thing are minimal, and if its'a cover song there would be no royalties. It can be quite a thrill to see your track getting airplay on the same program as legendary country artists. I would supply each participant with links to major playlist boards where they can check their airplay and thank each DJ for their play. One could also do some self promotion with these radio personalities if you choose. I don't monitor the stations playlists, I just distribute. I get some playlists sent to me via email, and I would forward any applicable playlists on to you

Just PM me if you're interested and I'll keep you up on progress.

Thanks for reading.
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