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Author Topic:  Removing jack from MSA Super Sustain D-10
Matthew Walton

Fort Worth, Texas
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2015 9:11 pm    
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In the epic saga of my restoring my PSG, I decided to replace the switch, so I may as well replace the wiring, and this jack doesn't feel right, so I'll replace that as well, etc.

Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the darn jack out! I figure I could probably mangle it to the point of coming out, but that doesn't strike me as a successful strategy for putting in the new one.

Is there some trick that I need to know for getting the jack to come out? I'd prefer it not be to remove the whole plate that faces the player, but I'll grumble and do it if I have to.

Here's a picture that might help illustrate my problem.

Apologies if this is the wrong section; it seemed a tossup between this and Electronics.
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1981 MSA "The Universal" Bb6 S-12 9/5 | 2024 Excel Robostar Bb6 S-12 8/5 | 2009 MSA SuperSlide C6 S-12 | Peavey Nashville 112
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Billy Carr


Seminary, Mississippi, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2015 10:24 pm     Psg
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On the MSA's I've had, including a D-10, SS model, I believe the jacks were placed on the rear apron, right end, if sitting behind it. I'd just leave it like it was installed and get a angle jack rather than straight. Just my .02 ! Thanks.
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Gerald Smith


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2015 3:03 am     Jack
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Matthew, there is very little room on MSA D10s for the jack, the original jack has a flat bottom on it that allows it to mount flush with the bottom on the steel, if the jack is not original it may not fit propperly, take the return spring off the finger next to it, this allows the finger to move foward and out of way to remove it, look for the flat side on the jack, hope this helps.
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Ian Sutton

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2015 8:01 am    
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When I replaced the jack on my MSA Classic, I used a Dremel with a cutting disc to put a flat side on the jack to get it to fit. It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 4 Aug 2015 8:29 am    
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My Classic has a lock nut on the outside of the apron.
As did the one I before it
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Matthew Walton

Fort Worth, Texas
Post  Posted 5 Aug 2015 12:34 pm    
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So my dad texted me while I was at work yesterday, telling me that he managed to get it out. The fact that he did is a true miracle! The jack (open Switchcraft style) is so worn that each little disk was turning on its own. There was indeed a flat ground on one side of the jack, and somehow my dad managed to get about three of those flats lined up and it came right out.

If nothing else, it makes me feel justified in my decision to replace the jack!
If something I wrote can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, I meant the other one.

1981 MSA "The Universal" Bb6 S-12 9/5 | 2024 Excel Robostar Bb6 S-12 8/5 | 2009 MSA SuperSlide C6 S-12 | Peavey Nashville 112
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