I think it would be fun to compare what kind of money us steel players make playing local bars/clubs/honky tonks/weddings/fairs etc. Of course I am not asking "big league" pros to divulge thier professional incomes... just us "local yokels" that play weekends at "Joes Bar and Grill".. My band is 4 piece.. We have a good following and play weekly. Our minimum is $400.. never less than $100 a man, and often make 150-175 a man. Thats actually very good for the icy cow country I live in [NY State}.. I suppose some guys will laugh at these rates,but I think it would be lot of fun to compare what we "part timers" make for a weekend night gig. I hope no one will think this is offensive. I just think it would be fun to share....... bob[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 30 December 2003 at 04:48 PM.]