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Author Topic:  good hearted woman fills, solo ideas?
Andy Keen

Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 29 May 2015 5:39 pm    
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Hey folks,
I have a tough time with this classic Waylon song, its harder than most to fumble through. Sad I'm looking for some solo ideas, and I humbly beg for your help. I imagine there's been a steeler or two who has played this song before. Maybe even in front of a crowd?


I'd love to get the fills at these time spots in the video:
0:54 (this one is so awesome)
1:03 (well ok, this one too)
2:29 (and this sounds like its own little mini song)
2:38 (its faint in the video, but theres some dissonance on this interval, is it dominant 7th sound? i have no idea what i'm talking about. )

This song's different compared to all the other Waylon songs. The other songs are more forgiving, and it seems like on this one if you get the timing a little off, you can't slur your way out of it. If I hit the wrong note, it sticks out like sore thumb.

Thoughts? Insults?

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