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Author Topic:  Hi-gain electrical wiring question for rack
Roger Dillingham

Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2015 3:22 pm    
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Hey guys, I know there are many out there on the forum that are quite educated or experienced in wiring up a simple 1/4" audio jack to use in my rack system. I thought this was a piece of cake, but when I wired it the way I thought would work, I get nothing. I want to use my main output cables from the preamp to go to two different jacks, which will either pass the signal on thru to the input jacks of my internal power amp; or be trunicated when a 1/4" male plug is inserted. This would allow me to take only the high impedance signals from the preamp out and send to external amplifiers should I choose to use those instead. Sounds simple, right! Unless I have bad connections on both jacks I guess I am an idiot or don't have the right type of jacks for job at hand. The jacks I am using are switchcraft (3) terminal jacks with the extra lug being used for the feature to allow the positive signal to pass thru when no plug is inserted. I must be missing something here. Please, any help will appreciated on this! Roger Question Confused
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Craig Baker

Eatonton, Georgia, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 May 2015 3:54 pm    
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Can we see a close-up picture of the jacks in question, showing your wiring? You may have the wrong type of jacks.

You mentioned high impedance output from your preamp and you list several amplifiers. Not sure which one you're using with the new remote jacks, but I suspect the signal is low impedance, and high level.

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Roger Dillingham

Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2015 4:33 pm     question on wiring rack
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Mr. Baker! Thanks so much for coming to my rescue!
The type of Switchcraft jack I am using is Littlejax 12A. Here is a picture

I have the negative conductor going to ground to jack and also attached negative conductor going to input of power amp. I have positive conductor going to terminal which is contacting tip of male plug when it is fully inserted into jack. The positive conductor coming from input of power amp is attached on third lug which receives the positive input from preamp out as long as there is not a male plug inserted into jack, so the positive tip is shunted against the third terminal to send positive input through to input to poweramp. The preamp I am using is Revelation tube pre and the power amp is an ART SLA-2. Hope this helps. Thanks, Roger Smile
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2015 10:29 pm    
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I believe you have the tip and tip shunt reversed. This would cause what you're seeing.
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