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Gil Berry


Westminster, CA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2003 10:10 pm    
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My old MSA doesn't have split tuning (neither does my Baggett U12), but the idea of getting "free" changes intrigues me. I was thinking that you might save a lever by using the E-F lever to go to F# instead (a very useful change) and split it with the E-D# lower to give the E-F change. The two changes would obviously have to be on different knees..... If you also wanted to lower the 8th string down to D (on another pedal or knee), could you still do it with the above split in place?
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 10:17 am    
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Gil-That is a very good idea. I have thought of that, and why not? they have to be on opposite knees.

Say the E to F knee lever, put F# as you say on the 4th string, then the D# on a right knee, and together gives the F, you stiil can use the F# too in many ways. This way you don't need to move to the C pedal , just use the A pedal and knee lever. It works good with A and B Pedals down too.

Another one is on C6, 4th sting A to Ab on your vertical, then with 4th pedal or P7 raise the A to B, push both and you have a Bb so you dont have to waste a knee lever for that...Oh there are so many ways to play......al

My Website..... www.cmedic.net/~almarcus/

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Keith Currie


Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 10:29 am    
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Why not just use the f lever to go to f# with a half stop on it for the tunible f? Is that possible?
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Tim Rowley


Pinconning, MI, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 7:01 pm    
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Yes, it is absolutely possible because that's how I do it on my Legrande II. But it is essential to have a good solid tunable half-stop with a "click" that you can feel so that you don't unintentionally over-ride the F note, because you need the F note more than you need the F#. It's even better if this change is on an inward-moving lever because the inside of the knee is more sensitive than the outside of the knee. This is why it works so well on guitars that raise (and lower) the E's on the right leg, a la the old MSA setup.

If I were to install this change on most any modern guitar, I would probably use Emmons or Emmons-style tunable half-stop parts and bracket because they fit, adjust, and function very well and they STAY in tune. Or a machinist could build a similar unit that would do the job.

Tim Rowley
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Keith Currie


Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 8:31 pm    
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Yes I know what you mean Tim, I have a half stop on my Franklin, second string lower and it is very easy to feel where as on our old Show-Bud not so easy, but it works.
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