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Author Topic:  nashvilleprosteel.com video - GARY MORSE & C6 western swing
Mark LeBlanc


Post  Posted 10 Apr 2015 4:06 pm    
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Hello everybody,

Here's a promo clip of the week by GARY MORSE playing some western swing on the C6 neck, full video available in the subscribers area of the website. Gary did a bunch of western swing videos and they will be released over the next months.


Gear Note: Gary used an ORANGE TH-30 amp on this clip (clean channel) and it sounded really sweet, pure, and clear in person, I just loved this amp. Very lightweight, all-tube (EL-84s) 2-channels with effects loop not expensive for what it is/does.

Another video of Gary, this time he's talking about his involvement with nashvilleprosteel.com


Thanks for listening.
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Alexander Rehfeld


Hamburg, Germany
Post  Posted 12 Apr 2015 4:20 pm    
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Mark, I'm about to subscribe to nashvilleprosteel. But before I'd like to know if there's any chord charts or written material coming with the videos. This would be extremely helpful!
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Mark LeBlanc


Post  Posted 13 Apr 2015 10:03 am    
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Alexander Rehfeld wrote:
Mark, I'm about to subscribe to nashvilleprosteel. But before I'd like to know if there's any chord charts or written material coming with the videos. This would be extremely helpful!

Hi Alexander,

Thanks for your interest in NPS. As of now there is no written material available but that will be changing. Starting next month all new songs will include a .pdf of the charts hand-written by the individual PRO that plays it. You will get to see how each player writes out their charts and what makes sense to them. In the meantime I'll try and get all the other song charts done previously up on the website, too.

Remember, these are Nashville number charts and not notation or written out chords. 4 4 1 5, etc. There will probably be a "licks" and "solos" section with dedicated transcriptions in the near future as well, maybe next month or later if everything goes as planned.

There is a great video of RUSS PAHL explaining how the Nashville number charts work and how to think about playing over the chords on the website right now, this video will help anyone learn the number system in a very straight-forward, easy way.

A great thing about this website is that it can always grow and adapt, add new features and whatnot. I'm filming a bunch of new videos next week with the guys and they already have their material, but let me know if you want to see or learn something specific and we'll try and make it happen.

Thanks again.
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