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Author Topic:  DiMarzio Pickup?
Dennis Detweiler

Solon, Iowa, US
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2015 6:07 am    
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Is anyone using a DiMarzio pickup on their lap guitar? I'm leaning toward trying a DP809 on my George Boards 8. My current Alumitone isn't as bright and more midrange than I prefer.
1976 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics 427 pickup, 1975 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics X-12 pickup, Revelation preamp, Carbon Copy Delay and Hall Of Fame Reverb, Crown XLS 1002, 2- 15" Eminence Wheelhouse speakers, ShoBud Pedal, Effects Pedals. 1949 Epiphone D-8.
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Dustin Rhodes

Owasso OK
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2015 6:21 am    
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Hard to believe an alumitone isn't bright enough given what I've heard from them.

That said I've thought that an 8 string with an Ionizer neck at the bridge position and an ionizer middle (single) in the neck position would be really cool. Given how they're supposed to split well you could have a bridge humbucker sound plus a faux stringmaster sound as well.
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Dennis Detweiler

Solon, Iowa, US
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2015 6:43 am    
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I only have a bridge pickup pocket. A split humbucker would be as close as I could get. I prefer Western Swing and Big Band for lap. Country and Swing on pedal. My pedal guitars cover what I want for sound very well. It's the lap that I'm trying to zero in on. I have a 1949 Epiphone D8 that has nice tone (stock pickups at 4900 resistance). So, I'm thinking a guitar pickup might bring the George Boards closer?
1976 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics 427 pickup, 1975 Birdseye U-12 MSA with Telonics X-12 pickup, Revelation preamp, Carbon Copy Delay and Hall Of Fame Reverb, Crown XLS 1002, 2- 15" Eminence Wheelhouse speakers, ShoBud Pedal, Effects Pedals. 1949 Epiphone D-8.
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Dustin Rhodes

Owasso OK
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2015 7:33 am    
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There is a lot to pickup sounds aside from the resistance. The dimarzio is probably going to be on the modern side for you.

This is the only clean demo of the ionizers I could find. Obviously there are lots of variables at play with style and the rest of the signal chain but I thought it might help.
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