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Topic: Input from Legrande owners please? |
Mark van Allen
From: Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Posted 1 Oct 2003 12:20 pm
I've just gotten a couple of new (to me) guitars- A Legrande II D-10 and Legrande III SD-10. Both fine guitars with a great sound. I'd really appreciate any input/advice/suggestions etc. from you Legrand owners out there, in terms of any setup tricks, modifications, etc. you may have stumbled over. In particular I'm interested in some tuning input for the III. I generally tune to a self determined compromise chart similar to Newman's. With the lack of cabinet drop in the IIIs, what would you suggest as a tuning reference? The more detail the better, and many thanks for the help!
C'mon by and visit!-
My Bands: Sugarland Kate and the Retreads Kecia Garland Band Shane Bridges Band Dell Conner Blues Band
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 1 Oct 2003 2:11 pm
Good question Mark.
The following is my take on it. Since there is no cabinet drop on a III (IF adjusted properly), I would adjust a chart like Jeff Newman's to 440 wherever he says 442.5. Then lower everything else by 2.5HZ respectively.
The reason Jeff and others raise the standard 440 to 442.5; is most of the time we are pulling up to a chord. IE, picking and then going down on A and/or B. Because of this, any cabinet drop makes the "finished" note slightly flat of a given fret. This is especially true at the open fret.
By raising the open strings by the average amount of cabinet drop, it allows you to play over the fret more often than not; because of the above facts. Since a III has no cabinet drop, you can keep all those notes that were 442.5 at 440 and now play over the frets just about all the time except in cases like the A pedal and F lever triads (if you tune JI).
carl |
Jerry Roller
From: Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Posted 1 Oct 2003 5:14 pm
Mark, I tune everything on the LeGrande III to straight 440 except all notes that are the 3rd interval of the root chord which I flat by 2 hertz. This would put the E's on 440, the C#'s on 438 the F's on 436 on E9th open tuning.
Jerry |
Bob Hempker
From: Goodlettsville, TN.
Posted 2 Oct 2003 6:09 pm
I have two III's, and I tune everything straight up 440. I also have the counter force on both necks, plus I have return compensators on every string that raises and lowers. I sit between 2 keyboards and sound in tune with the band. I think your particular playing situation may have something to do with the best method for you to tune.
C Dixon
From: Duluth, GA USA
Posted 2 Oct 2003 7:01 pm
Question. Do you tune EVERY thing straight up 440. IE, all strings and all pedal and knee lever changes on both necks?
And if the answer is yes, how do you do it. Do you use your ears, or a tuner, or both.
carl |
Bobby Boggs
From: Upstate SC.
Posted 2 Oct 2003 7:26 pm
Bob Hempker wrote:
I think your particular playing situation may have something to do with the best method for you to tune.
Yep! |