Mr. Emmons,
It seems that I got you hot under the collar in my post on Carl Dixons' thread concerning how and who split the pedals on the E-9th tuning. Let me publicly say that, that was NOT my intention. I have the upmost respect for your acheavements as a musician and the things that you did for the advancement of our instrument. I hold you in high esteem as one of the greatest players of all time and that ever will be.
My statement about Jimmy Day is what I heard first hand from the man himself and I had no reason to think he was telling me a lie. Also I will not call you a liar because I know you were there.
You and Jimmy Day are both heroes of mine and I would never purposely question your truthfullness or ethics especially on a public forum for anything.
If I offended you in this matter I'm very sorry, please accept my humble apology. I hope there are no hard feelings whatsoever.
Mike Sweeney[This message was edited by Mike Sweeney on 30 September 2003 at 10:25 AM.]