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Author Topic:  New try Mp3- 2 Vince Gill songs-with steel!
Egil Skjelnes

Post  Posted 1 Mar 2015 1:01 pm    
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Here is a new try to post mp3 files.This is new to me, and the first try with some rare John Hughey tracks was not good and playable for you. Here`s a new try, and if this works, I will post the John Hughey tracks in a day or two.
The heading may seems funny, but the explanation is this. I found a couple of Vince Gill songs that I liked, but none of the tracks had steel, they had mainly Vinces guitar as the lead instrument. I liked the songs, and thought they would have been exellent with steel, so we recorded them on my last album. I got a good friend of mine that happens to be one of the most popular artist in Norway to sing them, and adding the steel to be the main instrunent instead of guitar. Hope I can do this right so you can play them.And, hoping that you like them!
First one is called-Jenny dreamed of trains

The next one is _"Worlds apart"

If this works, you should be able to open the files in a chosen mp3 player on your PC.
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2015 6:10 am    
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All I get is a big advertisement to sign up for a G-mail account. Whoa!
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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