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Post new topic Pedal steel/electric guitar hybrid
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Author Topic:  Pedal steel/electric guitar hybrid
Russell Chudnofsky


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2015 8:53 am    
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I've posted a new video at http://youtu.be/i-XejSDKvl4 of me playing "I'm on Fire" (Bruce Springsteen) performed on a hybrid guitar/pedal steel I bought a while back through this forum. It's a fantastic sounding instrument made by MSA Pedal Steels back in the early 80s using a Peavey T60 electric guitar. As cool as it is, it's also problematic. For one, it does not stay in tune for too long. It's also extremely heavy and cumbersome. I tried building a similar guitar with hexaphonic pickups and individual digital pitch bender pedals for each string, but the string bleed through was too much. I'd be curious if anyone knows others that have taken stabs at constructing a similar sort of guitar/steel hybrid and would want to share ideas. Please let me know. I can be contacted through my website at www.russellchud.com
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