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Author Topic:  Shared tuning in the StroboPlus HD tuner
William Liemandt

New Mexico
Post  Posted 30 Jan 2015 3:54 pm    
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I could use some help in working with my StroboPlus HD tuner. A friendly forum member was kind enough to share a couple of tunings with me. When I logged in to the Peterson Connect web page, I found under the "My Account" tab a notice that tunings had been shared with me. I accepted the tunings. These tunings then showed up in the "Your Tuning Library" area of the web page. All good so far.

I clicked on the "Save Tunings" button in the "Your Tuning Library" section. I then looked on my tuner device and they did not appear anywhere in the tuner. So, I dragged the tunings from the "Your Tuning Library" section up to the "Configure Your Device" section under the "Tunings & Presets" area. I also dragged the "Tunings" into the "Presets" area, then clicked on the "Save My Configuration" button. Looked at the tuner device again and still no new tunings showed up in the tuner.

What gives? Can I not configure the tuner device from the web page? I noticed that when I clicked on the two different save buttons on the web page that there was no red light indication on my tuner that some save to the tuner was actually occurring. Do I have to go into the tuner device itself and initiate a request that some tuning be sent over to it from the web page? Tried every combination of things I could think of and have been totally skunked by a new electronic device that appears to think that it is smarter than me. Very frustrating day.

What steps do I need to take to take a shared tuning and get it into my tuner so I can use it? Help?
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