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Author Topic:  C6 5th pedal change from "Standard". Yours?
Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 11:55 am    
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I just changed my "A s to B s" to lower the top E and raise the lower one. I set it a little higher than the others to make it harder to "miss".

It was set to the standard "Don West" ( his favorite pedal from what I remember).

Sure makes finding that tonic note and playing a major triad easier below Eb ( third fret) on the C6, and a higher 7th.

I'm thinking that if I add a middle knee lever,(raise) to the C6 that it might be a nice change for it.

Anybody else got a favorite for that pedal other than standard?

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Kenny Forbess


peckerwood point, w. tn.
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 6:08 pm    
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Eric, I use that on a lever, lot's of good stuff there.
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Joerg Hennig

Bavaria, Germany
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2003 10:29 am    
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Eric, "A´s to B´s" is usually the 4th pedal, not the 5th, right?
Anyway, I have one that is not standard, it raises the 4th string to Bb only and the 1st string from G to G# (usually found on pedal 5; my pedal 5 has a lower (G to F#) on the 1st string instead like it used to be waaay back and I find it more useful that way.
I´m really not that keen on theory, so far I use the 4th string raise to make a dominant 7th chord and that comes in handy with the thing I´m trying to get into, rockabilly/thumb bass/"Travis" picking. I´ll use the 1st string raise for some double stops on 1st and 2nd string that I used to do with pedal 5.
I hope that makes some sense, as I said, I just can´t think too much in "theoretical" terms having been an "ear player" all my life...
I have to give credit to Ricky Davis for setting up the guitar like that and I really like it so much better than the standard pedal 4 so I decided to stick to it.

Regards, Joe H.
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Jul 2003 11:58 am    
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Sorry. I meant pedal 4..
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