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Roger Shackelton


MINNESOTA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 Dec 2014 1:57 pm    
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Säkkijärven Polkka Med Ortens Patrask Morjärv

Uploaded on Aug. 5, 2010

Inspelningen är Gjord Vid En Gammal Kolarkoja Utanför Morjärv i Nådens år Augusti 2010


I Think These 2 Guys May Be Norwegians. ??

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Jussi Huhtakangas


Helsinki, Finland
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2014 12:02 am    
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Säkkijärven Polkka is an old Finnish polka which actually is a combination of three different folk tunes from the area of Säkkijärvi ( Sacklake ). There's an interesting story to it from the WWII era; Russians had invated the city of Vyborg in the old east part of Finland and placed so called radio mines around town. These mines exploded when a certain tri chord on a certain radio frequence was broadcasted by the Russians. When Finnish troops eventually discovered what was going on, two broadcasting cars were sent out to drive around town playing Säkkijärven Polka over and over again to disturb the Russian radio frequences and prevent the mines from exploding. It was known that the batteries of the mines lasted for a couple of months, so the song was played appr 1500 times around the city. Most of the mines never exploded and the city was saved for the time. This is the version tha was played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZx1zl_sVTI
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