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Author Topic:  Discounted Gift Certificates for the Steel Player -Christmas
Mike Headrick

South Pittsburg, TN, USA
Post  Posted 5 Nov 2014 9:53 am    
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Here's an easy fix for the steel player in your life (or yourself).

Until November 31st, I'm offering 100.00 gift certificates for 75.00.

I'm offering 50.00 gift certificates for 40.00

They are good for an combination of steel guitar products from www.MikeHeadrick.com

This includs Steel Guitar CDs, Rhythm Tracks, and all other products.

Here's how it works:

Just email me at steelfodder@aol.com or call 423-364-9061 for the certificate number and the method you'd like to use to pay for it.

When your steeler makes his shoice, just email or call me with the items you want and give me the address you want them mailed to.

On International orders (or domestic) I can do it by digital transfer on any specific date.

OK, your shopping is almost done now!
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