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Author Topic:  Peavey TG Raxx Tube Preamp
MIchael Bean

North Of Boston
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2014 6:22 am    
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I just picked one up on eBay and used it on a gig last night, and was quite impressed. I've not been happy with the preamp sound of my Fender Steel King, as I couldn't dial out a shrillness that doesn't go well with my Sho-Bud. I plugged the preamp into the effects return of the Steel King, bypassing the SK preamp, and it sounded incredibly warm & full, with lots of control over the sound. There are two stages of EQ there, the first being a standard Fender-style passive 3-band, into another tube stage before going into a second active 3-band. When cranked, it really has a lot of character, like a little bit of teeth to the sound, which is what I love about tubes and the sounds on the old steel recordings of the 60's.
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Larry Dering

Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 21 Oct 2014 3:33 pm     Great find
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Mike, I have one in my rack just before a Peavey Profex II, and it sounds great. I am more than happy with the eq, the warm sound and that it's quiet. It's a keeper.
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