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Author Topic:  Setup table edit for PSG tab editing
Marc Beumer


Post  Posted 14 Sep 2014 3:30 am    
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Just put to together a very simple tutorial on how to setup table edit for editing PSG tab and how to insert pedal and knee symbols in the tab.

As always use as you like.


www.stronken.nl/psg/psg.zip (download)
http://www.stronken.nl/psg/psg.pdf (view)
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John Botofte

Post  Posted 13 Oct 2014 12:46 am    
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You don't need to open Pitch Change every time you want to add a pedal or lever. Just write Shift+A or B or F etc. while the correct fret number is selected in the tab.
Also don't forget to make a space before the instrument name to get the standard pedal steel tabs. It's not enough to select Pedal Steel Guitar in the Module window.
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Jeff Rady


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2014 7:59 am     Grace Notes
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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the tips, any tips, tutorials or ideas on how to get good looking grace notes before a note? I can't seem to figure it out.

Also, My G Lever always changes a whole step instead of the standard half step. How would you guys communicate that in a tab? Also how could you set your G change to be a default whole step change, instead of having to pitch correct every time.

Any tips, ideas would be most helpful.


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Fred Amendola


Lancaster, Pa.
Post  Posted 17 Oct 2014 6:25 pm    
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For the G lever, Open the pitch change dialog, ctrl-H. And either change the G lever to 2 semitones, or set up an additional change, say GG, for a full tone. There are 15 available slots available to set up. I use G and GG both. Now for example if you put GG where "K" used to be in the dialog, then you can still input the change from the keyboard. Capital K on the kbd would result in GG on the tab.

For grace notes, there's a whole dialog that you can play around with. Open it with alt-G or the shortcut button. It really doesn't work with pedals because there isn't enough bit's to handle them together. It works well for straight guitar though. For steel I usually avoid it and write grace notes using normal timing.

Hope this helps.
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Jeff Rady


Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 18 Oct 2014 10:40 am    
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Hi Fred,

That helped a lot, I labeled the K slot G# so now I have both options! Thanks for the help! I've been using the "choke" option for grace notes when dealing with quick pedal hammer on's for lack of a better term. I know that you're not really choking or muting but it seems to be a good representation of a grace note. Let me know if you have any more thoughts on either on these tabbing techniques.


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