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Author Topic:  Viny Golia, reeds, and pedal steel guitar
Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 13 Aug 2014 3:10 pm    
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For those who might enjoy this, here are three videos from a duet performance with Vinny Golia the night before last at iBeam in Brooklyn, NY. As anyone who has ever heard Vinny Golia play can attest, he's quite a virtuoso on a number of reed and wind instruments, so it was an interesting evening.

The first video (chronologically) is in many ways perhaps the most interesting a well as the most demanding, I think, for the listener. This one features Vinny on clarinets. I wonder if anyone notices, toward the end, the reference to a well-known jazz standard that features the clarinet:


The second features the baritone sax. This was quite a switch for me after playing with the clarinet, and it was a change for me to fit in with the timbre of the baritone. It's interesting how timbre and perspective changes the sound and feeling of a note and thus one's musical choices. To me it felt more introspective and maybe more focused as a duet:


The third and last of these is the duet with Vinny on a couple of different flutes. I think I enjoyed this one the most; at times it felt (to me at the moment) rather carefree. This video starts off in the middle of something I was playing. It wasn't meant to make fun of country music, There was a rather long pause to change instruments. In my country days, when this happened, someone would go up to the mic and tell a joke. I din't know any jokes, so I played a little something to provide for the audience some relief from the intense nature of some of what we did, and perhaps to poke a little fun at the preconceived notions about the instrument we know and love.


This is music that probably won't appeal to everyone. However, for those of you who take the time to listen, I'm very honored, and I hope you enjoy the music.

"So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray."
- Mary Oliver
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