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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2003 1:17 pm    
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As some of you know, I have considerable cabinet drop on my Excel. And so there is NO doubt, this is NOT due to the standard Excel. My guitar is not standard. I asked for many changes which Mitsuo did very kindly for me. Any one of a dozen of my "changes" could be conributing to it.

I said the above because I just sent a snail mail off to Mitsuo. Reason; He came up with a "counterforce" modification for cabinet drop which is standard now on his Super B models. Both my friends Gary Steele and David Phillips new Excel PSG's have it on their guitars.

David, (knowing I was dying to see how it worked), sent me some really clear photos of all the parts that make up the counterforce assembly. After studying them (often zooming 400%) for hours, I believe I can adapt it to my guitar. I had enquired about this earlier and Mitsuo told me it would not work. And that is true the way my guitar is built.

But I came up with several changes, which I believe will allow me to install it. I spent all morning drawing it all to scale. And just sent Mitsuo the drawings. I can't wait to hear what he says. I believe in my heart it will work.

And if so, I will be one excited person. Because I have also located a person that will make me nut rollers that are guaranteed dead on flat at the top of the strings at the first fret.

I had only 3 things that caused me frustration with guitar:

1. Cabinet drop (particulary the 6th sring when engaging the A pedal)

2. Strings not flat at the top of the nut rollers. (My number one petpeave on ALL PSG's)

3. Strings 1, 2 and 3 not having the same volume as the other strings.

In an earlier thread I discussed how I solved item 3. So with the new gauged rollers and Mitsuo's "affirmation", (hopefully), I am once again thrilled.

Wish me luck, and God bless Mitsuo Fuji, and all of you,

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Marco Schouten

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2003 1:40 pm    
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I deffinately wish you luck Carl!

Steelin' Greetings
Marco Schouten
Sho-Bud Pro III Custom; Sho-Bud LLG

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Bill Stafford

Gulfport,Ms. USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2003 3:54 pm    
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Carl, you are just having too much fun!
Keep up the good work.

Bill Stafford
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Gary Steele


Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 3 Feb 2003 6:52 pm    
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Carl,I believe you can do it. Let us know.
God bless you!! P.S. Carl how much for a set of the gauged rollers???

Gary Steele

[This message was edited by Gary Steele on 03 February 2003 at 06:54 PM.]

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