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Author Topic:  Strings on a D-8 Stringmaster
Richard Doherty

Stoddard, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2014 8:58 am    
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Hi All,

I am new to the forum and the D-8. Been playing a National New Yorker for 30 years tuned to E major. Set up the D-8 with LaBella C6 set on Far neck and A6 set Tuned to E7 on the near neck.

I am used to just placing my bar on the strings with little pressure, but on the D-8 with these strings I really have to push down for certain string combinations, and still the notes are not always clean. It is mainly the E7 that concerns me. Maybe the gauges are off?

Also I have the 7th note (D) on the 5th string and boy I have a hard time avoiding it from how I used to play on the 6-string New Yorker. Could someone suggest either a different place for the D or a different tuning similar to E Major that I don't have to relearn (which I am doing on the C6 and loving it)?

Sorry for so much in 1 post.

1957 National New Yorker Lap Steel
1960 Fender D8 Stringmaster
Peavey KB/A 100 and 30
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2014 6:30 am    
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Richard, if the problem is worse near the nut then the string gauges are indicated.

WRT the tuning, the more tunings you learn the easier it gets, knuckle down!
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Richard Doherty

Stoddard, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2014 6:42 am    
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Thanks Stephen…yeah I've been looking at different sites with different tunings and the string gauges and that may be the problem.

As far as the tunings, I used to play Yellowbird in E major, but tried it on the C6 and OMG, it is a joy to play rather than a struggle, so yeah, I just need to keep trying things and practicing.

The last thing is that with the 6-string lap steel, I would double as a rhythm instrument, strumming and finger picking sometimes, and it just doesn't work on the 8-string… guess I could remove 2 strings from the E7 neck, right?


1957 National New Yorker Lap Steel
1960 Fender D8 Stringmaster
Peavey KB/A 100 and 30
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Peter den Hartogh

Cape Town, South Africa
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2014 7:29 am    
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Instead of removing the 2 offending strings, you could try to re-tune each offending one, either a semi tone or a whole tone, up or down, to match the other strings.
For example in a C6 tuning, if you want to avoid the A string, just tune it down to G and you will have 2 G strings, but it will not affect strumming or finger picking techniques. It will give you more freedom and who cares if you hit the wrong G string by accident?

And it would be easy to re-tune that string back to A again when needed. This also allows you to practice avoiding the A string while playing the same piece of music you just played previously.

Have fun!
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