Chris Templeton
From: The Green Mountain State
Posted 16 Jul 2014 6:52 pm
I was sent a track yesterday that someone is finishing up for his record. His vibrato was so "tight" it had me fooled into thinking that it was a guitarist using a whammy bar, which it was not.
This reminded me of the tendency for players, especially new ones, to overdo the vibrato. This may be a result of the insecurity about the note(s) not being in tune. Be careful about overdoing the vibrato.
The techniques I have seen and used for vibrato is either rolling the bar, scraping it from side to side or a combination of both.
It's important to remember that the further up the neck you go, the narrower the vibrato is.
Also, like a voice, a note or chord usually starts with no vibrato and then comes the vibrato. _________________ Excel 3/4 Pedal With An 8 String Hawaiian Neck, Sierra Tapper (10 string with a raised fretboard to fret with fingers), Single neck Fessenden 3/5
"The Tapper" :
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